Katrina Clark
Katrina Clark has 16 years teaching experience in the field of art education and is currently the High School Art teacher at Poplarville High School, Mississippi.
Originally from Crossville, Alabama, Katrina Clark graduated in 2005 from the University of Alabama in Huntsville with a Bachelors in Studio Art and a minor in Art History. She then went on to get her Masters in Fine Arts in Two Dimensional Design,with a concentration in painting, from Mississippi College in 2007. She has taught at collegiate and public school levels. In 2014 she married her husband, Lionel Clark, who specializes in three dimensional work and is currently the high school art teacher at Gautier High School. As an active artist she also teaches workshops through the Mississippi Art Education Association and is a member of the National Art Education Association, Ocean Springs Art Association, Hancock County Art Association and The Singing River Art Association.
The media she works in is broad but specializes in two dimensional work. Her painting and drawing styles focus mainly on realism through classical techniques.  She sells her work on her and her husband’s Facebook page: The Potter and The Painter as well as in the Robin’s Nest in Pass Christian.